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Help Katrina raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy 2023

My Story…

In 2013 I had an occipital neurostimulator implanted for chronic intractable migraine. It took a little while, but it eventually helped enough with my pain control that I discontinued the 2 daily opioids I was on, along with the 3rd As Needed morphine. I was also able to drastically reduce my use of the emergency department, and eventually stop going altogether. But...

There's always a "but." My battery site was never comfortable, and frequently caused intense pain, especially after periods of bending or twisting. The first surgery had to be revised almost immediately, since one of the leads "migrated" down into my neck within a week of the original surgery. Things did stick from 2013 until 2021, when one of the leads began to migrate/malfunction. It was revised in November of 2021, but was done so superficially that I could feel it through my scalp. The surgeon tried to convince me it was inflammation. It took until February 2022 to convince him it needed to be re-done, and I only chose to go to the same doctor because he offered to do it almost immediately, and for no copay. I had a new job offer on the table and an international honeymoon planned for the summer, and didn't want to say "no" to either. 

Unfortunately, it was once again done superficially, and by November 2022, I had spent essentially a year in pain because of a device that was meant to help me. I had already had 5 surgeries (including a battery replacement) for it. After consulting with a neurosurgeon, I opted for explantation. I don't have much more skin that can be cut into in my neck, and there is never a guarantee that another revision would improve my situation. 

So, here I am in 2023: Attempting to hold on to a full-time job sans neurostimulator, living with Chronic Migraine. In addition, my epilepsy has relapsed from the stress that my body and mind have been through the past year and a half. I'm unable to take the new CGRP medications, and have tried almost everything out there. 

To quote Will Sasso: "My s**t's f***ed up!" Get me some Tronix!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 23 Linda $21.20
Jun 23 Sandy $53.00
Jun 23 Rich and Maria $53.00
Jun 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount